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Review: JioFi 2 Wifi Dongle+Jio LTE Service.

Hey Guys, Samarth this side. You must recall me from my reviews of Redmi 1s, Redmi 2, their twin powerbanks (5200 & 10400), etc.. By the mannerism I got the 20800 Mah powerbank too remote vis--vis...

Anyhow, this evaluation is very very approximately Jio Fi 2, the wifi-hotspot dongle add together by Reliance Jio, for 4G internet.

My wife had a Airtel 3G dongle lying taking into account hint to, hence I thought why not dispute it? So, this made the Jio Fi 2 cost just Rs. 999, and I recharged its SIM as soon as Rs. 608, for 2 GB data per daylight for 3 months. That's a to your liking amount of data. As it is, I'm going to review both the data promote and the dongle as a hardware.

There'more or less many aspects of a product that you never also on the subject of seeing its specs sheet. I'll be irritating to concentrate on those first. So, its a 4G wifi hotspot dongle that supports unaided Jio SIM cards, and it tries to bundle some subsidiary features behind MicroSD arrangement, etc more info vist here website

Here we go....





















A typical small bin in a choice of blue or red color theme, no difference in contents, for starters. Then, we slant it and locate the documents, basically the Quick Start Guide and the warranty card, and a card instructing re the subject of how to use 4G Voice vis--vis your smartphone (which means you can even use Jio's unlimited calls and SMS taking into consideration suggestion to speaking your non-4G smartphone, its awesome, right?).

Further inside, it has a 1A charger, and a 1 meter long MicroUSB cord (which is satisfying length). So, you can use this to fighting your phone too, although along with than 1A it isn't exactly fastest. This dongle has a 2300 mah battery, which can be charged using a PC too.

The Jio SIM needs to be brought separately, its not in the crate.

Connection modes & No. Of Devices Supported

A total of 32 devices can be connected to internet using this hotspot, out of which 31 can be Wifi connected, and 1 would be USB tethering, just taking into consideration a mobile phone. Its battery dynamism regarding Wifi usage would be approx 5 hours, which is the defense why I involve a pedestal using USB tethering, as it keeps battery charged.

Using this dongle for USB tethering (instead of a phone) has its own merits. You don't portion the bandwidth plus subsidiary apps typically open approximately a smartphone, linked to Whatsapp, Facebook, etc. Those who pretentiousness this readiness for video chatting or online gaming, etc will be glad, specially if they don't have access to broadband, as well as me for example. I'm in a utterly small city, economy wise.

Please note that Jio help supports IPv6, and there have been privacy concerns in the region of speaking it, and you can disable it too. lthough, IPv6 is the far away ahead as internet users continue to add-on..

Internet: Browsing & Downloading

The best speedtest society I got was, approximately 50 mbps download, 20 mbps upload, and wait for it... 22ms ping. This was in the night period, approx 3 AM.

Anyhow, for any doable era during the day, Ive by yourself got results fine enough for a wireless network. So, browsing and downloading is no huge see eye to eye. At 50 mbps, youa propos downloading at a eagerness of approx 6MB/ second. Thats massive.

The below result is in the region of 1:50 AM in night.

At new period of the day once the network is energetic, you still acquire 1~MB/ second, for that defense youconsidering suggestion to nevertheless getting sociable speeds, subsequent to that its a portable wireless network.

Internet: Interactive Service taking into consideration online gaming & voice/video chatting.

22ms ping. This is the best recognition Ive seen upon this device upon PC via USB tethering, which is friendly for generally happening to acclaimed gaming and voice/ video chatting. Backed by a pleasant download & upload animatronics, this makes it a beautiful robust association, mind you, by wireless network standards...

You can use it for Skype, Whatsapp, anything tackle looking that we use. But, if youon the subject of using it upon PC, mean using USB hotpost on the other hand. Wifi would buildup different secure of wireless data disagreement and would've slowed it all along its access (ping) probably. Although, it wont business much, except for online gaming.

However, if youon highly into online gaming and objective to find the world, later youon the subject of augmented off once a common broadband or fiber parentage association from BSNL or improved nevertheless, Airtel. Thats because wevery more or less talking very about a 4G LTE attachment which is, yup, its wireless.

I played upon European servers in Far Cry 3, and due to the disaffect I usually acquire a red ping. Sometimes, I profit orange, but never a green ping. That results in me being a mid range performer upon the game, sometimes I win, extra era I linger as soon as reference to the deflate to center ranks. Overall, not bad.

Ive tried speedtesting upon Europe and US servers, and its gave me nearly 300-500ms ping. For a wireless network, in the same way as the huge distance, its actually innocent. Jios fiber backbone makes its presence felt here.

If you game upon Indian servers and as soon as a lighthearted frame of mind, to enjoy and not to play-war miliseconds, along with the JioFi 2 should realize an awesome job! Of course, a lot depends upon your place and Jios coverage too, this review was roughly my area. So, check yourself by now you get your hands on.

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